Small molecules - Individual regression weighting for each analytes? johannes kutzler  2023-10-14 10:54

Hi everyone,
I have just started using Skyline after finishing the fantastic online introductory and small molecules course (2 days each).
Working in the forensic toxicology area dealing with small molecule quantification, I gained experience with SCIEX Analyst and Agilent Masshunter.

So here is my question: Is it possible to assign the regression weighting for the calibration curve for each analyte individually (e.g. amphetamine 1/x, methamphetamine 1/(x*x), ketamine none)? This is a common thing in forensic toxicology and would be crucial for a switch e.g. from SCIEX Analyst to your amazing software.

Thank you for your help in advance

david fuentes responded:  2024-04-03 01:12

I am also looking at this option but have no answer. I would like the option to do regresion fit, normalisation and regresion weighting for each individual molecule. Would be a nice feature to have.

Hoping for an answer or a update soon